Israel Galván

La Edad de Oro

Choreography and Dance

Israel Galván


María Marín


Rafael Rodríguez


Pedro León / Félix Vázquez


Benito Jiménez / Valentin Donaire


Rosario Gallardo


IGalván Company

in collaboration with


In flamenco, as in all arts, historians, specialists and critics progressively defined the reference periods. The period that they called ‘La Edad de Oro’, The Golden Age of Flamenco, corresponds to a period running from the end of the 19th century to the 30’s of the 20th. This Golden Age made particular reference to singing and dancing, guitar not taking its rightful rise until much later. According to this approach, no singer or dancer today, except in exceptional cases will be able to equal the quality, purity and creativity of those who carrying flamenco its peak, marked this Golden Age. Since then, there has been a decline in the formal model of flamenco art that was established in the period, impoverishing, simplifying, crossings and fusions but also a loss of the content, the sense and spirit which animate this art.

To celebrate the twentieth anniversary of this show, a classic of his repertoire, which has had hundreds of performances around the world, Israel Galván renews the program with the voice of Maria Marin and Rafael Rodríguez on guitar at his side.

tour dates

Switzerland Lugano LAC 11 de Febrero 2023

Italy Florence Dance Festival 11-12 de Julio 2022

Germany TanzBiennale Heidelberg, Hebelhalle – 19 de Julio 2021

Italy Brescia, Teatro Grande – 22 de Mayo 2021

Italy Pavia, Teatro Fraschini – 21 de Mayo 2021

Italy Ferrara, Teatro Comunale – 20 de Mayo 2021

Spain IX Festival de Jerez – 26 de Febrero 2005 (estreno) 

©Isabelle Louvier

Born in Sevilla, Spain, into the dancing family of José Galván and Eugenia de los Reyes, Israel Galván underwent classical flamenco training but since his first creation ¡Mira! / Los zapatos rojos (1998), that paves the way for a manifesto for a new spirit of flamenco dance, he has gradually transformed into un unclassified dancer and choreographer. Galván recodifies the physical language of flamenco, using not only modes of expression genealogically close to it, such as bullfighting, but also performative aspects of other rituals of popular culture, from football to activism and cross-dressing. He produces a multiplicity of bodies for a flamenco that is itself going through a process of change. Each of his creations is to be a milestone in his pursuit of a dance that seeks to free itself from certain features inherited from a crystallized flamenco. He wants to refocus dance on the actual act of dancing.

Israel Galván was honoured with the most prestigious prizes such as the Premio Nacional de Danza (Spain), the New York Bessie Performance Award, the National Dance Award for Exceptional Artistry (UK). In 2016, he was promoted to the rank of Officier dans l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in France.